SCCP-310: Increase Base OI limits to 1m USDC
Author | |
Status | Approved |
Type | Governance |
Network | Base |
Implementor | TBD |
Release | TBD |
Proposal | Loading status... |
Created | 2024-01-09 |
Simple Summary
Increase the maximum market size for ETH and BTC perp markets to $1m USDC each.
Increase maximum Open Interest (OI) caps on both ETH and BTC from $10k to $1m, by setting
perpsFactory.PerpsMarketProxy.setMaxMarketSize(uint128 marketId,uint256 maxMarketSize) = [100, 385000000000000000000]
# 385ETH -
perpsFactory.PerpsMarketProxy.setMaxMarketSize(uint128 marketId,uint256 maxMarketSize) = [200, 22000000000000000000]
# 22 BTC
The cannon txn that will be executed is
is denominated in native units and determines both long and short, so if both sides of ETH and BTC markets are full, the total OI is approx $4m.
Base Andromeda has been operating in since early December using the configuration from SIP-348 and is ready to be slowly scaled up. The LP limit has been increased to $1m by SCCP-309, and once at least 80% full, open interest caps can be increased accordingly.
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